Reduce your calorie intake
There are hundreds of different diets out there – but weight management comes down to the calories you burn off vs the calories you take in. Fad diets may promise you that eating nothing but grapefruit, or staying away from carbs will do the trick – but it is all just about calorie reduction. The calories you eat are either used to fuel bodily functions or stored as fat. These stored calories will remain as fat – unless you use them up, by reducing calorie intake so your body must draw on reserves for energy or by exercising, so they are burned off.
Eat more protein
Quality protein influences fat loss by increasing your metabolic rate. It also gives energy, strengthens our muscles and is needed for the growth and repair of tissue. Protein is found in lean meat, fish, eggs & low fat dairy, beans, rice, nuts & seeds.
Eat less carbs
Reducing your carboyhydrate intake by eating less sugary foods such as cake, chocolate, biscuits, alchohol, sweets and refined grains such as white bread and pasta will mimimize calories from non-nutritious food sources. However, carbs shouldn’t be cut out completely as they are essential for a well-balanced diet and healthy body. They provide the only fuel source for many vital organs including the brain, central nervous system and kidneys.
Eat more veg
Replace the white stuff on your plate (e.g. pasta, bread) for green stuff (e.g. brocolli, green beans, spinach) Not only will you get more fibre, vitamins and minerals, but they are low in calories and provide a feeling of fullness – so you are less likely to over-eat or snack between meals.
Drink more water
Water naturally suppresses the appetitite, which will help you avoid snacking. Water also regulates body temperature, flushes toxins, assists in the absorption of minerals and vitamins, lubricates joints & is needed for certain metabolic activities such as muscle contraction.